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Summer warning: Never do this if you have to leave your cat home alone

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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An important piece of advice has been issued for guardians, after a tragic incident occurred in Poland. Here's what not to do when leaving your cat home alone. 

Opening a window at home may make sense in the summer months. But if you share your home with a feline friend, extra caution will be necessary. 

A case in Poland recently brought to light just how dangerous open windows can be, with pet parents urged to take additional precautions. 

The dangers of open windows

As inherently curious creatures, cats love exploring anything novel in their environment. And when temperatures rise and the sun comes out, they may show extra interest in exploring the outdoors. 

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Sadly, this is exactly what happened in Poland, when a cat tried to leave the house through a half opened window. The incident resulted in a damaged bladder and the loss of feeling in his paws. Tragically, he didn't make it. 

How to keep your cat safe

Keeping your cat safe in the summer months will take some planning and preparation. 

Getting into the habit of checking all windows and doors before leaving the house or going to bed, is an excellent place to start. 

If you can't secure every window, you may need to consider restricting your pet's access to certain areas of the house. If you go away, explain any restrictions to the caregiver who will be looking after your feline friend in your absence. 

For added security, cat proofing the windows or balcony may be the best way to ensure your cat's safety. Special cat nets can be fitted to the window frames, preventing your pet from squeezing through the gaps. 

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