
Black cat in garden and white cat in plant pot
© FindTheSniper - Reddit

There are two cats in this picture; can you find both?

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

Published on the

A brainteaser making waves on Reddit is testing the limits of people’s observation skills with a tricky image puzzle.

If you love cats and enjoy testing yourself with picture puzzles, we have the purrfect challenge for you.

Find two cats

The challenge is simple: spot two cats hidden within a single picture.

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At first glance, the image appears to show just one black cat basking in the sun.

However, a second cat is cleverly camouflaged and not immediately obvious. You may even have to zoom into the picture to help you find the elusive feline. It's baffling Redditors!

Let’s just say the cat is hiding in plain sight!

Test your skills

But even with a hint from the puzzle creator that ‘Too much miracle grow maybe?’ might help, the elusive second cat can be tricky to find.

We recommended looking closely at the cream-coloured plant pot. 

You might just notice a white, fluffy shape blending in.

Congratulations to those who successfully find both cats! If you needed the hint, don’t worry; finding the hidden cat in tricky images can be a real test of observational skills and attention to detail.

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