
Two black and white cats standing on hind legs

Cat owner left spooked by her cats' behaviour in the night

© user138202931 - TikTok

Woman spooked when her cats start staring at the wall during the night (video)

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

Published on the

In the eerie hours of the night, a woman from Bristol found herself startled by the peculiar behaviour of her two feline friends.

Max Buckley captured a chilling scene on camera as her black and white cats, Kicia and Fang, stood upright on their hind legs, their attention seemingly riveted on a blank space across the room.

Strange feline behaviour

The cats remained transfixed for about five minutes, leaving Max feeling on edge.

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Sharing the unsettling footage on TikTok, where it attracted 3.4 million views, Max said she was bewildered by her cats’ behaviour and pleaded with viewers, “Can someone explain wtf just happened (they were staring right at my door btw)?” accompanied by hashtags #creepy and #spooky.

The video ignited a flurry of speculation among viewers, with some suggesting there must be a supernatural explanation. Comments ranged from beliefs about animals sensing spirits to references to jinns from Islamic lore.

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Feline senses

However, while the idea of the cats detecting paranormal activity is quite exciting, there are more grounded interpretations. Our feline friends have heightened senses, which can help them detect subtle movements or sounds we can’t. In this instance, it could be something as innocent as the sound of water in the pipes or a shadow on the wall attracting the feline’s attention. 

After all, cats’ extraordinary visual and auditory capabilities help them hunt or track prey, even in darkness. So, while the spectacle may spook humans, it’s likely just another example of cats exploiting their incredible senses.

@user138202931 can someone explain wtf just happened (they were staring right at my door btw) #fyp #foryou #cat #creepy #spooky ♬ healjnga - 💓

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