
Cat sitting by closed door
© Sven - Youtube

Owner devises tests to see how clever cats are and is impressed by results (video)

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

Published on the

If you've always thought it's just dogs that make intelligent four-legged companions, then this video will make you think again.

A cat owner decided to test his cat's intelligence, and it's fair to see that this feline passed with flying colours.

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Clever cat

The black-and-white cat in question is called Mulder and has a very good knack for opening doors. In the video his owner shared online, you see Mulder being shut into a room. But within a matter of seconds, the door handle moves. Then it moves again, and the door opens, and out walks Mulder.

Related video:

But while this shows that Mulder is great at opening doors, his owner wanted to see how good he is at problem-solving. They closed the door and placed a rectangular box full of water in front of it. If the cat wanted to enter the room, he'd have to figure out how to open the door without getting wet. But Mulder wasn't deterred.

Problem solver

Mulder sat by the box for a few seconds, appearing to be devising his plan. He then moved to the side of the box and proceeded to jump up to the door handle and push it down. Each time, Mulder jumped down in such a way as to avoid the box of water. It took two tries, but he soon had the door open. And simply just jumped over the box and went into the room.

Watch the impressive video:

How would your cat have got on with this challenge?

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