Messing in the house after being outside

Anonymous user
Anonymous user

Please can someone advise🤷‍♀️

We have recently bought a 2year old cat and she has settled in really well. However yesterday we let her out for the first time which is great, however she comes inside and then wees or poohs on the carpet or sofa. Also when we were keeping her in at night she wasn't going in the litter although during the day she does??. I'm Confused and very frustrated as it doesnt make sense. 

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2 answers
Anonymous user
Anonymous user


further to the advice already given I would start putting some litter trays outside for your cat and slowly bring them inside, it may be a case that your cat needs retraining to use one!

I would also recommend placing a few around the house, in different rooms and levels of privacy. You cat may be anxious about the positioning currently.

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  • Expert verified

How long has the cat been with you it may be nerves, health condition (seek vet advice), confusion or potential other reasons. Has the cat got a cat flap? Are you going to have it as an indoor pet? 

It may take time for the cat to get used to its surroundings, I know it's hard but try not to get too frustrated. 

Keep the litter tray as clean as possible as some cats won't go in their multiple times or unless it is cleaned regularly. 

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