Should I remove my dog’s collar at night?


Was just wondering whether this affected her comfort? Thanks for letting me know!

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6 answers

I know some people leave them on, but it’s probably more comfy for your dog without it, especially if they sleep a lot or roll around. Collars can also rub on their neck, causing irritation or even sores if they wear them too long. Plus, taking it off can give their fur a little breather. Of course, if your dog has a tag with important info or a tracking device, you might want to leave it on. I usually grab a comfy bed and have my dogs chill out without collars at night. If you’re ever looking for a good collar, check out—they've got some solid options!

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it's up to you to decide whether to remove your dog's collar at night based on their individual needs and preferences. Just make sure to consider their safety and comfort first and foremost.

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Your dog will probably be more comfortable without a collar on at night! And a collar only takes a couple of seconds to put on or take off….

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This depends on the collar. If it's a light, thin material then it probably won’t bother your dog. But if it’s a thick leather collar then it might be better to remove it at night.

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My dog keeps his collar on at night, it doesn’t seem to bother him.

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Personally, my pet never wears a collar at home. I only put a collar on her when I’m taking her out for a walk. When you leave a collar on the dog for too long, it’ll leave a mark. My neighbour’s dog has been wearing his collar for years, and now my neighbour regrets it because his coat is damaged from it.

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