What will happen to my pet after I pass away?


I do hope that I will outlive my dog, but as an elderly woman this subject does trouble me. I'm not very close to my family and don't have very many friends. What would happen to my Ash if I were to pass away suddenly? How can I make sure that he will be cared for if this does happen? If anyone has any experience of this, I would be very grateful. Thank you very much.

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2 answers
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Hi Suzie,

               What a loving gesture that you are concerned for your Ash! They're very lucky to have such a considerate and caring owner ❤️ 

Due to your lack of contact with family and friends I also would recommend you contact a rescue centre, if you are in the UK then I would check out some of the charities that specialise in pet care after an owner's death. Battersea's Forever Loved Service is really good as the team at Battersea will give dogs and cats veterinary care at the shelter, looking after them there until they find a safe and happy home.

By contacting charities now you will be able to specify your requirements for the new home as you knew your dog better than anyone so can record your wishes and even set aside some money should you wish for the new family to buy some treats to ease the transition!


All the best ❤️

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It may be useful to look into rescue centre schemes that may have a policy where they will welcome the dog in to care for them and find them a home. I know in the UK The Dogs Trust did have a similar scheme. 

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