dog lipomas


My dog have a lot mass tumors. We be a lot times on vet, we just get answer this is it and thats it.
Her biggest problem is too big leg, she cant walk on that leg. Vet give me antibiotic in hope it will shring.
What you think i can do to help her? She have lipomas almost on every part of her body.
13 year old Cane Corso.
I read about L carnitine, omega 3, quercetin supplements, i give this one a day to her. What else i can do? t
Thank you and God Bless You!

1 answer

I've never had this problem with my dogs so I don't really know. But fish oil is always a good supplement to add to their diet. Other than that, I would talk with the vet about any treatments that could help her feel more comfortable/feel less pain. Make sure she has a comfortable place to rest. Don't overdo it with the treats (I heard obesity can lead to the formation of lipomas). And just give her lots of love and mental support!

Good luck!

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