Rescuing an animal


Does anyone have any advice about how to adopt a dog or a cat from a shelter? I feel like rescues have so many conditions that it’s practically impossible to find one that’s willing to let me adopt! Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!!

6 answers

It is getting increasingly hard to adopt, especially because there’s so much demand nowadays, so rescues are bound to find adopters, even if they’re very picky. I’d recommend looking for smaller rescues, they’re generally less picky than the bigger, well-known rescues.

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I have a friend who works in a shelter and she tells me that unless you chase after the rescue constantly, you will get forgotten in the pile of potential adopters. So I think you just have to be super determined and pushy. If you’re set on a rescue, call them every week, remind them what you’re looking for, update them on your living situation etc…

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Yeah it was very hard for me as well. I ended up purchasing a puppy even though I was ready to adopt...but because I have a full-time job, no rescue was willing to let me adopt a dog.

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The best advice I can give you is don’t give up!! Rescues are just trying to find the best possible match for their animals, and they may not have the perfect pet for you right now, but who knows, maybe in 3 months, 2 weeks…? You just have to be patient. I waited almost a year before a rescue offered me Mags :)

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  • Expert verified

I completely agree with Harry, I think rescues are working to find the right match, and may feel the dogs you've applied for aren't a good fit. As a volunteer home-checker I would advise giving as much information as possible in your application as to the home environment and type of dog you're looking for - this is always helpful to speed up the process. Best of luck with your search! 

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Thanks so much lovelies! I'll definitely take all of this into consideration! :)

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