Anal gland problem


My Pug leaves a smelly deposit almost every day usually on me as he is a proper lap dog. He isnt overweight and has a good diet. He also doesn't scoot as a lot of dogs with Anal gland problems do. Anyone have any ideas as to what is going on. Last time vets expressed glands they said they weren't bad? It's awful as we don't want him doing this on other people.

1 answer

Could it just be that your dog needs wiping after he goes to the toilet? I wipe my dog's bottom occasionally when we get back from a walk to avoid this exact problem. He doesn't have any health concerns either, but sometimes if his stool is a little less firm than usual, I feel like it's something you need to do.

Otherwise I'd go see the vet again and get more advice. Maybe he's due to have his anal glands expressed?

Good luck!

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