
A cat in a cat harness

A cat harness can be useful for taking your pet for a walk or going to the vet and riding in a car together.

© DenisNata - Shutterstock

What is the best cat harness in 2024?

By Joseph Chance Content Writer

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Choosing a harness to walk your cat is not an easy task. You need to look for the one that will best fit your pet's body shape. Don’t fret, we’ve got you covered! Our buying guide will help you choose between different types, including the figure-8 harness, the vest harness and the H-harness.

If you live in a flat and would like to walk your pet outside, a cat harness and lead are essential accessories. Your pet will be able to enjoy the fresh air and a safe walk securely attached to the leash. You can also use the harness to secure your pet during car trips. This way, you will be able to take your cat out of the car during breaks without extra fuss.

There are many different types of harnesses for cats, but it is always best to choose ones with adjustable straps. It is important to start training your cat to walk on a leash as early as possible. Remember: not being completely free is not natural for cats and getting used to walking on a lead will be more difficult for them than for a dog. Are you about to welcome your kitty? We have prepared this comparison to help you choose the best cat harness.

How do I choose a cat harness?

When choosing the perfect harness for your pet, there are a few important factors to consider.

Make sure you choose the model that will be comfortable for your pet to wear. You can choose between a vest-harness, H-harness or figure 8-harness for cats. The vest harness, also known as a V-harness, covers a lot of the cat’s body, giving you the peace of mind that the animal won’t be able to escape. The H-style harness has two loops and reduces the pressure from the leash on the cat’s neck. The most common type of cat harness is the figure-8 harness, consisting of two circles that surround the cat's torso and neck.

You should also choose a harness according to the size of your pet. If it is too small, your pet might have difficulty breathing. On the other hand, if it is too big, the animal could escape it. Ideally, you should purchase an adjustable harness, which you can adapt to your cat’s size. To make sure the fit is right, try fitting two fingers between the straps and the skin of the animal.

The material is also important. Nylon, for example, works great as it is very durable and machine washable. Cotton cat harnesses are very light and suitable for animals with sensitive skin. Leather harnesses are very stylish and come in a wide range of colours.

Finally, check the quality and the fastening system. The seams should be strong enough to hold the animal securely if it tries to escape.

Which harness should I buy for a Maine Coon cat?

Maine Coon cats are really strong. They are also known to enjoy walks with their owners. That is why it is important to buy them a suitable harness.

As they are bigger than most breeds of cats, choose a robust harness that can withstand a lot of pulling.

Opt for a V-shaped harness, which will allow you to control your pet better. Figure-eight harnesses are also suitable for this breed, as they are almost impossible to shimmy out of.

Make sure the harness of your choice is comfortable, well-padded and allows the skin to breathe. As Maine Coons enjoy walking around, your cat will be wearing the harness quite often and should feel happy in it.

How to put on a cat harness?

If you have a figure 8 harness, put the cat's head through the smaller loop. You can then fasten the large loop around their chest.

To fit an H-style harness, simply clip together the smaller loop around the neck and the bigger one around the chest. The loop for attaching the lead should be on the top.

When it comes to a V-shaped harness, you first put it on the belly of your cat and then zip or clip it closed at the back and neck.

How can I get my cat used to the harness?

While it's quite easy to gradually get a kitten used to the harness, it's much more complicated with an adult cat.

You will need to take it one step at a time. Start by introducing the harness to your cat, so that they can get familiar with it. Your pet will soon realise that this inert object means no harm. After a few days, put the harness on the animal, without tightening it. Give your cat treats while doing it so that they associate the harness with something positive.

Slowly increase the amount of time your pet spends wearing the harness every day and start fastening it normally. At the same time, keep comforting your cat by stroking them!

You can then start tying your pet to a chair leg for a few minutes and leaving the room. Reward the cat when you come back.

Why should I use a cat harness?

A harness allows you to keep your pet as safe as possible when you take them outside. If you live in a city, you can take them for a walk without the risk of the animal being run over.

The harness can also be used to keep the cat safe in the car. If you are travelling far, the harness will let you take the cat out of the car safely during breaks.

Where do I buy a cat harness?

You can find a suitable cat harness in a pet shop. Ask the shop assistants for advice, together you will be able to choose the best model. Make sure you feel the different available textures and if possible, don't hesitate to bring your cat to try on the harness.

Harnesses for cats are also available on the Internet. You'll have a much wider choice of accessories than you would in a shop and you'll have access to customer reviews. Also, look for comparisons and buying guides and check bestseller rankings to see which model or shop offers the best value for money.

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