Cat jealousy


Hi! I've started fostering a lot of cats from my nearby shelter but my resident cat gets pretty hissy when I get new cats in the house. I'd like her to be comfortable with the cats I foster but I just don't know how to go about it. I'm afraid they'll end up attacking each other so I just keep them separated all the time, but obviously that's not ideal. Does anyone have any tips or recommendations for me? Thanks!

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1 answer
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Anonymous user

Hi, cats can be very territorial and it seems like it may be a case of your resident cat is unaccepting of the foster cats. There are some tips for introduction and cohabiting for cats but with the reaction you have described I would suggest not fostering until you have a cat free house. As this will be having a negative effect on your felines welfare

For now I would suggest a product like feliway as this will send 'harmony messages' to your cats and is clinically proven to reduce tension or conflict.


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