I recently took my GSD to the vets and he said that I need to be watching her weight more! The thing is, I hadn't even realised that she'd started gaining weight....is there any technique I can learn that would help me see when she's starting to put on an unhealthy amount of weight?
Hi James!
I would advise discussing a weight management plan with you Vet, there are special foods and dietary plans available to help manage dog weight. As they get older it becomes a lot easier to gain weight and can easily creep on. I have attached a general body conditions coring diagram to give you an idea of what to look for but as with most cases, each is individual and you have to take into account factors such as fur thickness, normal body weight, activity.
I have heard that it's normal to see some ribs and hip bones...if you can't see them at all it could be that your dog is a little chubby (unless of course your dog is super fluffy). I think there are certain palpations you can do to check that if that's the case, but you probably should discuss this with your vet!