Cat toiletting inappropriately



My 14 year-old cat has suddenly started urinating and defecating outside of her litterbox, in random places like the stairs, or behind the sofa...I'm not sure what to do. She was perfectly litterbox trained before. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you very much. Patrick

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4 answers

Taking care of a cat inside your home is not a simple duty at all. 
You can refer to it, maybe it will help you. I hope your cat goes to the toilet in the right place.

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Two years ago I was planning to get a cat and I thought a lot about it because I was afraid it would go to the wrong place to the toilet and might be very unhygienic. But finally, I decided to adopt a cat. , and this year is more than 2 years old. I am so frustrated with my cat and I don't understand why she is acting like this. A friend told me how he used it on his cats and it really worked.
First, you need to calmly solve the problem and find out why the cat is behaving this way. Could it be the food? Health changes? 
I followed my friend, he followed 6 small steps:
Step 1: Identify the reason.
Step 2: Release your cat's anxiety or stress.
Step 3: Contact your trusted vet.
Step 4: Gently or hug the cat.
Step 5: Clean up some areas that the cat has marked with its urine. Step 6: This is the last step and I think it's very important to make sure the toilet is free of any problems. 
You can check more, maybe it will help you. I hope your cat goes to the toilet in the right place.

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Hi Patrick, 

               Cats stop using their litter boxes for a variety of reasons, including issues with the box or litter, dissatisfaction with the placement or number of boxes, changes in the environment inside or outside the house, and undiagnosed medical conditions. You may have to investigate several possibilities before you understand what your cat is trying to tell you. Try to keep in mind that cats don't eliminate outside their litter box to purposefully annoy you. Punishment won't stop or correct the behavior. Since most cases of litter box avoidance are stress-related, punishment only increases the stress (for you and your kitty) and makes it harder to identify the real cause.

I would suggest putting litter boxes in he places your cat has decided to toilet and see if you can train them back into using one, or even dotting multiple around the rooms of your house to give plenty of option! It may be worth asking your vet incase there is something more sinister at play.

kind regards 

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Hi Patrick,

Have you visited the vet with your cat? I don't want to be alarmist, but I wonder whether she may be suffering from some renal issues...this is exactly what happened to my elderly cat a few years ago. The vet will probably be able to give you the best possible advice. Best of luck!

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