Why does my cat lie on its back?

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I've had my cat since she was around 9-10 weeks old, and she's now just shy of 8 months. But basically since the day she came home, she's always liked to lie down in awkward positions - mainly on her back. She'll do this both on my lap or on the floor and will often sleep like it too! Is this something I should be concerned about? Is it a sign of an underlying condition? She's had a few routine trips to the vets and they've never expressed concern, and she's also never shown signs of pain or discomfort (and will happily lie and sleep in normal positions too) but I am ones of those people who tend to worry about anything, so I thought I'd ask. Thanks in advance!

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1 answer
Anonymous user
Anonymous user

Hi Emma! I am so glad you asked this question, You have absolutely nothing to be concerned about as cats will only show you their belly if they are comfortable and feel safe around you! Therefore the fact she is so open in exposing her tummy to you just means that she trusts you and doesn't see you as a threat!! 

One interesting reason cats will lay on their back with their paws up is to help keep them cool. When cats get too hot, they will use the pads on their paws to regulate their body temperature. Their pads are one place where cats can potentially sweat. 

On the other hand, cats may have their paws up to keep themselves warm as well. Since they can retain heat through their pads and belly easily, they might just be trying to warm up. This can be why you notice your cats are soaking up the sun shining through one of your windows while sprawled out.


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