thoughts on products

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Anonymous user

Hello! new here and just want to ask your thoughts on using a sleeve instead of cone like this: my dog is in his 3rd day of post care surgery and we are currently using a cone but we noticed that he is not comfotable with is and thinking to switching to a sleeve. is it worth to buy a sleeve instead? thanks for all the help!

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1 answer
  • Expert verified

Hi there,

Thanks for getting in touch! 

I’ve personally never tried this, but it certainly seems like a great alternative to the cone! Cones can be so uncomfortable and stressful for the dog, not to mention very impractical!

It looks like the sleeve allows the dog to move almost normally and is definitely less cumbersome. The reviews look good too! 

Every dog is different though, and your dog might not like having a sleeve on his body at first. Make sure you take things slowly, and encourage your dog with lots of treats!

Let us know if you do give it a try! Best of luck!

Justine Seraphin, BSc (Hons) Animal Behaviour and Welfare

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