
puppy drinking puppy formula milk

Puppy formula milk is vital for unweaned puppies who can’t be breastfed.

© Jennifer Kramer - Shutterstock

Our selection of the best puppy formula milk in 2025

By Joseph Chance Content Writer

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Dogs, like humans, are mammals who nurse their young. When the mother dog is unable to feed her babies, it is best to give them puppy milk. Puppy milk formula should be rich in protein and fat.

Breast milk is, of course, ideal for puppies. However, in some cases, it may not be enough. This is true, for example, for large litters where the female's milk production is insufficient, or when the mother is ill or, sadly, dies. Cow's milk should not be given to puppies. It contains far too much lactose and far too little protein.

It is preferable to use puppy formula or, if that is not possible, goat's milk, which is more easily digestible. Dog milk is typically sold as a powder that must be reconstituted with hot water. Some companies sell complete kits that include puppy milk, bottles, and teats. Adult dogs do not require milk and frequently do not digest it well.

Can I give my dog milk?

Cow's milk, which we humans consume regularly, is not recommended for our dogs:

In adult dogs: it is often poorly tolerated. Cow's milk is high in lactose, which dogs cannot digest because they lack the necessary enzymes. Furthermore, milk, which contains this primarily quick sugar, is not strictly necessary for the dog's diet.

For puppies: it is better to use formula for puppies. These are much more suitable because their composition is similar to that of bitch's milk. Remember that cows are herbivores, and their milk is too low in protein to be suitable for feeding carnivorous babies!

For female dogs: during the gestation or nursing period, special dog milk can be beneficial. But if the female dog is reluctant to drink milk, a growth food can also be given instead.

At what age can you start feeding your puppy dog milk?

Puppies can be fed formula from the time they are born. Of course, it is preferable if the mother breastfeeds them, but if she is unable to do so or if the litter is too large, you should not hesitate to give the puppies a supplement to ensure that they receive sufficient nutrients for development.

For orphaned puppies, it can be beneficial to provide them with a product combining colostrum and dog milk. Colostrum contains antibodies that aid the puppy's immune system.

There is no reason to give your pet dog milk after weaning, which occurs at the age of around 2 months unless the dog is a lactating bitch.

How much milk should I give my dog?

The amount varies depending on the puppy's age and weight. Puppy milk manufacturers typically indicate the amount and frequency of feeding on their packaging.

The number of bottles consumed per day varies from 8 for a newborn to 4 for a 1-month-old animal.

If your puppy is being fed both breast milk and bottle-feeding, determining how much to feed may be more difficult. Be aware that a hungry puppy will continue to cry, whereas a full baby will eventually fall asleep!

Another way to tell if your puppy is getting enough food is to keep an eye on their weight curve. Within three weeks, a well-fed baby dog will have tripled its birth weight.

You can begin to diversify the diet by introducing puppy food at the age of 2 months. The amount of dog milk consumed is reduced.

Are there any risks in giving milk to my dog?

Puppy formula is well tolerated because it is similar to breast milk. Cow's milk, on the other hand, can cause diarrhoea, vomiting, and bloating. These symptoms are usually mild in adults and will go away once you stop giving your pet cow's milk.

They can, however, be serious in young puppies, who are more fragile. In case of severe gastroenteritis, the baby dogs are at risk of dehydration. You should therefore avoid cow's milk and always consult your vet in the event of diarrhoea in a puppy.

Can my dog be allergic to milk?

Cow's milk can cause allergies or intolerance in dogs. This is why it is not recommended. Dairy products as a whole, including yoghurt, cheese, and ice cream, can cause digestive symptoms.

Puppy milk formula also contains cow's milk proteins and may exceptionally be responsible for allergic disorders such as chronic diarrhoea. If breastfeeding is truly impossible, you can try feeding the puppy goat's milk or a plant-based milk. Introducing non-dairy solid food from 2 months of age can solve allergy problems linked to puppy milk.

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