
How do you stop a cat pooping in the house: Cleaning cat poop from the carpet

Remember, if your cat poops in your house, they are never being naughty.

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How do you stop a cat pooping in the house? Tips and tricks to try

By Dr Jo de Klerk, BVetMed (Hons) MScTAH MRCVS Veterinarian

Updated on the

How do you stop a cat pooping in the house? First, you'll need to work out the reason behind the behaviour. A cat that toilets indoors is rarely being naughty. 

Many pet owners ask the question, “Why has my cat started pooping in the house all of a sudden?” First of all, you need to realise that it’s not always a case of your cat being naughty. Felines generally only foul in the house in cases of anxiety or ill health. Under normal circumstances, cats hate being messy.

The process of a cat pooping in the house is also known as the term “middening” in the feline professional world. Of course, this inappropriate elimination could also be caused by medical issues.

To stop a cat pooping in the house, you'll first need to work out the reason behind the behaviour. Inappropriate elimination issues can affect both male and female cats, as well as older cats too.

Why is my cat pooping in the house?

First of all, cats communicate by using scent markers. Just like they urinate to let other cats know they are around, they also poop too. This is a more extreme way to mark their territory and to tell other cats to keep away.

Generally, a cat will poop in the house only when they feel insecure and anxious. Remember your cat isn’t being naughty, so it's important not to shout at them. Above all, it’s important to take control of the situation and remain calm.

Trying to decipher the actual cause of why your cat has been pooping outside the litter box and in the house will require some detective work on your part. There are many different reasons behind a cat pooping in the house These include:

  • A new cat, kitten or dog has joined the household (or perhaps a new baby).
  • Several cats are living in the same home, causing litter box problems.
  • Anxiety and stress when separated from you – This may be when you go to work or leave the house.
  • Older cats peeing and pooping in inappropriate areas, instead of in the cat litter tray.
  • Moving home, which can cause anxiety.
  • A male cat spraying to mark their territory.
  • A strange cat entering the house through the door or cat flap.
  • A change in diet - a change in food may increase your cat's need to empty their bowels.
  • Inappropriate elimination related to a medical problem, for example arthritis, making it difficult to step into the litter box or get in the right position to poop.

Any of these reasons could give your cat reason to foul in the house. Take a look at your own home situation carefully. Because some cats are upset by the slightest thing, there are many possible triggers.

What is normal toiletting behaviour in cats?

At around the age of 5-7 weeks, a tiny kitten will first learn to use a litter tray. By 7-8 weeks they should be able to cover their poop and wee using the litter. Almost all cats squat low down to urinate while, in contrast, they raise their posture to poop. Felines are very private pets, preferring to toilet in secluded locations. For this reason, litter trays need to be placed away from their sleeping, feeding and drinking areas. As such, it may be necessary to move the litter box.

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How do cats mark their territory?

Territory marking is a different routine to regular pooping. There are several different ways that a cat marks his environment.

  • Rubbing: when a cat rubs their face against you, other pets and furniture, they are spreading pheromones secreted from facial glands.
  • Scratching: glands between the footpads deposit scent onto a surface. 
  • Spraying urine: for various reasons, sexual, territorial and reactional. This may be in the garden or indoors, depending on the environment.
  • Middening: this is pooping and leaving faeces in deliberate locations, purely for the purpose of marking their territory and not just emptying the bowels.

Try to have a think about the day that your cat suddenly stopped using the litter box. If you can identify the cause or trigger, solving the problem will be so much easier.

How do you stop a cat pooping in the house? Home remedies to try

Once you notice your cat has started doing their business in the house, for whatever reason, it’s important that you resolve the problem so it doesn’t continue. Thankfully, there are several factors that you can look at, and home remedies you can try. 

Clean the litter tray frequently

Cats are very fastidious pets and, as they get older, this becomes even more obvious. Always ensure that their litter box is kept clean. Remove the faeces often, at least once a day. Some cats are quite quirky and they may just not be happy with the amount of litter in the box. It’s a good idea to change this just to see if it actually does make any difference. Likewise, some felines don’t like using a tray they feel is too small, or one that has high sides. Resolve these litter box problems and you are well on the way to solving the problem.

A senior cat with arthritis might have an issue actually climbing into a litter box. There comes a point though when they may create a habit because of this, as they know it will cause pain. As such, they will refuse to do their toilet duties here and instead prefer to poop in the house. So make sure that there isn't a medical issue causing the behaviour. If you suspect you cat is experiencing any kind of pain, you should speak with your veterinarian.

Provide a safe place for your kitty

Cats love nothing more than to withdraw away from the world at times, particularly older cats. Provide a place, preferably at height (a cat tree is ideal), where your cat can take themselves away to when they want to rest. This will certainly reduce the cat’s anxieties and give them a feeling of control.

If you have multiple cats

Every cat should be given the solitude to carry out eating, sleeping and toileting duties in peace and quiet. It’s a good idea to give each cat a separate feeding station and a separate litter tray. Your cat might feel anxious about using certain litter trays due to another cat frequently spending time in that area. Providing litter trays all around the house will remedy that problem.

Give plenty of playtime opportunities

A bored cat can quickly become a stressed cat. Set aside time every day to play with different toys. This can help stimulate the cat’s predatory and natural hunting abilities.

Human interaction is very important

Always provide predictable, consistent and positive actions when with your kitty. Be kind to them and create interactive bonding sessions. But only let it be on your cat’s terms, otherwise forcing cuddles on them may make them more stressed.

Try not to disrupt your cat’s sense of smell

Cats have an excellent sense of smell, and can distinguish between many different odours in the environment – other pets, furniture, people and virtually anything in the home. A cat can very easily become stressed by any change in this collective odour. Consider your feline pet when you introduce any new smells to the home – these can be from new furniture, new cleaning products and perfumes.

When should I talk to a vet?

If you have tried altering your cat’s environment to decrease their anxiety and nothing has worked, take them to a vet to check there is nothing wrong medically. If you notice any other symptoms, a vet should see your cat sooner rather than later. For example, arthritis does not always manifest as limping. Instead it might be something subtle, such as jumping less often. Likewise, stress does not always manifest as a behavioural issue. Instead your cat might be over grooming as a coping mechanism, and have bald patches. But this can also be a symptom of skin problems, which need to be investigated.

These are all things a vet can help with. The vet can prescribe treatments for underlying issues, but if there is nothing to treat, they can also prescribe feline pheromone products to help your cat feel calm at home.

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