
Do cats have nightmares: Cat sleeping next to woman

Do cats have nightmares?

© Rafa Beladiez Martinez / Shutterstock

Do cats have nightmares?

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

Published on the

If you've ever seen your cat twitching, kicking, or meowing in their sleep, you might be wondering what's happening in their minds. So, do cats have nightmares?

Cats spend so much of their lives sleeping, but it's not always peaceful. Just like us, cats can dream, and yes, they can have bad dreams, too. By understanding your cat's sleep patterns and recognising signs of distress, you can help them feel more safe and comfortable when they seem disturbed. 

What are the different cat sleep cycles?

Cats experience sleep in two main cycles: NREM (Non-Rapid Eye Movement) sleep and REM sleep. NREM sleep is when cats enter a state of light, restful sleep. During this phase, their body focuses on physical repair and regeneration. REM sleep, on the other hand, is the phase where dreaming occurs, and it is during REM that your cat may twitch or show signs of dreaming. Cats can move quickly between these cycles and may complete several REM and NREM phases throughout a single nap. Cats, like humans, experience different stages of sleep, including periods of dreaming during REM sleep. They can dream about their daily activities, from chasing toys to interacting with their favourite humans or dogs. While most dreams are likely harmless, cats can also experience bad dreams or nightmares, though these are not entirely understood by science. 

Do cats have bad dreams?

Although cats may dream of catching birds or lounging in the sun, they can also experience bad dreams. During REM sleep, when brain activity is heightened, cats might dream about stressful or frightening events. This could include memories of being chased by a dog or a trip to the vet. While scientific evidence on whether cats have nightmares is inconclusive, many cat owners have observed behaviours that suggest their pets might be experiencing distressing dreams. Signs like growling, twitching, or sudden vocalisations may indicate that a cat is having a bad dream.

Can cats have night terrors?

Night terrors in humans are episodes of intense fear during sleep, and although rare in cats, similar behaviours have been observed. During a potential "night terror," a cat may thrash around, vocalise loudly, or even wake up suddenly in a state of confusion. However, these occurrences are uncommon, and most of the time, when your cat is twitching or vocalising, it's more likely they are just in REM sleep rather than experiencing something as extreme as a night terror.

How do I know if my cat is having a nightmare?

If you notice your cat twitching, whimpering, or growling during sleep, they may be in the midst of a bad dream. Other signs can include erratic movements of their paws, tails, or ears. A cat having a nightmare might also vocalise softly, making sounds that suggest they are distressed. However, it's important not to wake your cat during a dream, as doing so can startle them, leading to confusion or aggression. Instead, allowing them to finish the dream naturally is probably best.

What to do if you think your cat is having a nightmare

If you believe your cat has had a nightmare, the best thing to do is to remain calm and provide comfort once they wake up. You can gently stroke them or offer a reassuring word to help them feel safe. Ensure your cat has a cosy, quiet space to rest undisturbed. This will help them relax and reduce the likelihood of bad dreams. If your cat frequently seems distressed during sleep, it may be worth consulting your veterinarian to rule out any underlying issues, such as pain or anxiety. A vet can offer advice if your cat's behaviour seems related to stress.

What do cats dream about when they twitch?

When cats twitch in their sleep, it's often a sign they are dreaming. Cats may dream about anything they've experienced during the day. For example, they could recall a hunting game with a toy mouse or relive a chase they witnessed from the window. Cats may also dream about interactions with other animals, such as dogs or their owners. If a cat has had a stressful or frightening day, like encountering a loud noise or an unfamiliar animal, their dreams may reflect these anxieties. This can lead to twitching and meowing that resemble distress.

Do cats dream about their owners?

Cats may dream about their owners. Cats form strong bonds with their humans, and since dreams often reflect daily experiences, your cat could dream about interactions with you, such as being petted, feeding time, or simply lounging together. Cats may also dream about events involving their sense of security and comfort, so if you've had a particularly cosy cuddle session with your cat during the day, it might feature in their dreams. Although we can't know for sure, many cat owners like to believe that their cats dream of them.

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