Where are all


Hey everyone I just saw that their is not any thread or post about animal welfare anyone can explain me?

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6 answers

My 8-year-old lab dog has been suffering from breathing issues and joint bone issues for one year and I would like to share some tips here from my personal experience that have helped my dog and some things that should not be done. Exercise according to the comfort of your dog and lesser mental stress to him.

The most important thing about maintaining your dog's health is giving him a balanced diet. With proper food for your pet, it is important to support its diet with some sort of cat and dog supplements. This trick has helped a lot in attaining my dog's health back. I would also like to mention the very common and very useful supplements for dogs that are calcium now, l-lysine supplement, taurine powder, and ***** pills (for female dogs).

Try these for your beloved pets because they have worked wonders for my pet. They have reduced the joint pain issue and also they have increased his immunity.

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Hi there,

It's great that you're interested in discussing animal welfare! While there might not be a specific thread or post dedicated to the topic at the moment, feel free to start one yourself. You could share information about different animal welfare issues, initiatives, or even personal experiences related to caring for animals. I'm sure many members would appreciate the opportunity to engage in such an important conversation.

Looking forward to your contributions!


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thanks for the info

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Yes , this is a very important thing . Taking care of the welfare of pets is very important for their physical and emotional well-being. It's our responsibility as caregivers to provide them with proper nutrition, regular exercise, veterinary care, even a cute name and a safe environment. Beyond meeting their basic needs, we must also offer companionship, mental stimulation, and love. Remember, pets are not just animals we own; they are cherished members of our families deserving of respect, kindness, and empathy. Let's prioritize their welfare and treat them with the care and compassion they deserve.

Thanks as you have creating the thread .



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  • Expert verified

Hi! It looks like no-one has started a conversation about animal welfare topics yet, but you could be the first! What would you like to discuss? Do you have any questions about animal welfare that we might be able to answer? Let us know! :)

Justine Seraphin, BSc (Hons) Animal Behaviour and Welfare

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No one is there?

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