My dog has been jumping on the bed recently in the middle of the night, what can I do?



My 1 year old dog, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, is rather obedient (recall, sitting, lying, bed). But 15 days ago I started going back to work (after staying at home for nearly a year) and at night she climbs into bed with me when she usually stays in her bed to sleep. Her bed is in the corridor opposite my bedroom door. I don't want her to get into this habit (my other dog doesn't sleep with me) because I don't have enough space in bed for my two dogs and cat but also I don't want all their hair on my bed. So, I order her to go in her basket ... but I'm having to do that several times during the night !!! It's getting a little too much now... She does listen, but not for long. She goes back into her basket, waits for me to fall back asleep and jumps back on the bed. I did accept in the past that she comes up from time to time, but only when my alarm goes off or in the evening before I go to sleep, I'll give her a kiss before and then ask her to go in her bed.

What can I do to get her back to normal? Should I close the door so she can't get into the room (not really a fan of this solution), or do I have to persevere and insist throughout the night until she understands? Thank you for reading

Juliet x

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2 answers


Rose has been doing the same a few times, but she's pregnant and seeks attention and affection. I bought a new bed for her and since, she hasn't been bothered about jumping on my bed.

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Mine does this to me from time to time. I tell her to get down every time she jumps up. I know it's exhausting but never give up, it can take time but your dog will eventually understand that it is you who decides when she can get up on the bed. My dog Millie comes every evening for a 10min hug and every morning before I get up. Sometimes she puts her nose on the edge of the bed and she waits for permission, so cute. I don't close the door because she is sometimes sick and I want to keep an eye on her.

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