Can someone please give me some advice I have a 2 year old boy he doesn't like my children so I keep them away from him he's usually OK with the big ones and me but today he came downstairs and jumped on me kissing me like usual then started growling then went to rip my face off I put my head down and he bit my hair and I threw him off he went psycho he's now in the garden what do I do? I've got 3 other dogs who can't be near him either as he attacks them is there an alternative to put him to sleep? He's booked in to be neutered on the 1st December but I don't think it's going to work and to tell you the truth I'm now scared in case he sees the kids and I'm not quick enough to catch him please help with some wise words
Oh no! Maybe you can give him some treats? If you're really worried go out somewhere with the children. It's good he's in the garden. He probably has some sort of infection or pain.
What kind of breed? Is the dog generally well-mannered? This behavior can also manifest itself with a decrease in attention with the appearance of children, a feeling of jealousy in the dog