What's my cats breed?


I'm trying to determine what breed my cat is exactly. We got her from Animal Protective Services. I typically am not a cat person and love dogs so while away on my Bachelorette party my now husband got hustled by his 2 daughters and when I got home there she was. I am so glad though I have fallen in love with her. She is so smart, cuddly, very playful like in a sneaky way, she loves water, and she is outside all the time chasing squirrels, catching snakes crazy stuff!! She acts like a dog in a lot of ways like rolls around in the dirt!! Can anyone help and knowing the information previous stated with and idea of what breed they think she may be? She is black and underneath has striped like a dark brownish color and white tips on the inside of her ears. Also has a Yellow green eye color. I think she favors the Si-Siwat but it says they have a blue coat with white so she may possibly be a mix of the Si-Siwat amd something  else I just want o find out so I can learn as much as possible about her. Thanks so much!!

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