Code of conduct on the Forum: Welcome to the Wamiz Forum!


This is a place for pet owners and animal lovers to discuss, help each other and have fun.
The Wamiz forum is open to everyone: speech is free. The messages are moderated after publication to allow a fast and fluid exchange. This implies vigilance from our community to maintain essential rules of decorum.

Here are the main rules to follow:

Good practices:

  1. Respect: each member of the forum is required to respect other members.
  2. Courtesy: politeness is important, forum members must have courteous exchanges, show politeness and a respectful tone during exchanges even if they disagree.
  3. Before posting: The topic may have already been covered, members should check if a similar topic already exists.

Are strictly forbidden:

  • Insulting, threatening, obscene, vulgar, defamatory, racist, xenophobic, extremist, pedophile, threatening certain communities, violent, or even zoophilic remarks
  • Capital letters, seen as a sign of aggression
  • Messages containing addresses and phone numbers
  • Advertising, promotional and commercial messages
  • Illegible, incomprehensible messages, without any spelling effort or written in text language
  • The creation of multiple accounts
  • Images and texts infringing on copyright or image rights, on the privacy of others.
  • Personal attacks, denunciations, settling of scores
  • Messages intended to harm the forum such as flooding (many unnecessary messages)
  • Messages containing personal data: email, telephone or other data identifying a person.
  • Sponsorship links except on authorised subjects
  • Ads (except related subject) or links for the purpose of improving SEO

This list is not exhaustive. The moderators of Wamiz reserve the right to delete or modify any message harming the good atmosphere supposed to reign on the forum. 

Banning someone from the website:

Members posting messages are solely responsible for the information, images, texts or any other content disseminated.
Wamiz may without formal notice remove any content that does not comply with the charter and violate the laws and regulations in force in the country.

Members who violate the rules run the risk of being banned from the site.
In the event of repeated abuse, Wamiz may transmit the IPs of the users involved to the competent authority.

Medical questions:

A health professional can intervene on the Wamiz forum. However, the information published on the forum is not likely to replace a consultation with a veterinarian.

Limitation of Liability: 

  • Wamiz takes no responsibility for the quality and legal compliance of the content (text, videos, sounds, photos or others).
  • Wamiz may, in accordance with its legal obligations, remove content deemed to be inappropriate.
  • Wamiz may communicate, in accordance with its legal obligations, at the formal request of the judicial authorities, elements allowing the identification of users who have contributed to a subject, or any other form of content.

Write your message and upload a photo if you want to! Please remain courteous in your exchanges.
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