
10 Fascinating facts about black cats (Photos)

By Emilie Heyl Content Writer

Published on the Updated on the

Black cats are sadly, often associated to bad luck and witches due to their historical myth. Browse through our gallery and discover 10 fascinating facts about this gorgeous feline.

Usually referred to as bad luck, witches and Halloween, black cats are known to have a long (and unfair) history full of myths and superstitions.

To help debunk these misconceptions and prove that their bad reputation is unfounded, we've rounded up 10 photos of black cats with fascinating facts about them! We are sure you'll be suprised by a few.

Read about the Bombay, the only cat breed with one colour: black.

Black cats are fascinating and mysterious animals

Celebrated on the 27th of October in the UK with the National Black Cat Day and the 17th of August with the Black Cat Appreciation Day, black cats are unique and fascinating, despite their unfounded reputation. You will see through these pictures 10 beautiful black cats or cats with a dark fur. They are anything but bad luck!

Black cats are among the least adopted cats in the UK. Some researches believe that the color of the cat's fur would affect its character and, in the case of the black cat, the latter is known for having a docile, affectionate and faithful personality. There are many reasons why it is good to adopt a black cat.

The most beautiful names for black cats, male and female

10 photos of black cats that will win you over

Although their history is tied to anarchy and witches, these black felines bring no bad luck and have nothing to do with black magic! The behavioural pattern of these cats is just like the pattern of any other feline. So, next time a black cat crosses your path, you have no reason to worry!


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