
Dachshund and Weimaraner sit on bed together
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Weimaraner with anxiety gets therapy Dachshund and finally feels supported

By Nick Whittle Author

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In an unlikely coupling there is a great deal of love and support. But this pair of Australian dogs shares more than just love. Meet the world’s first support dog for a dog.

When Arnold the Weimaraner was but a puppy he was badly mauled by a German Shepherd. Arnold’s owner Carolyn Manalis noticed that despite recovering physically from the attack, Arnold still suffered mentally.

Arnold became reserved and nervous around other dogs, especially big dogs. The psychological scars were slow to heal, and despite Ms Manalis giving him all the support she could, Arnold’s anxiety grew.

In due course Manalis considered the possibility that Arnold could do with a friend and companion. She decided to adopt Frank, a friendly Miniature Dachshund.


Today the two dogs are not just the best of friends, they are inseparable, and Frank’s role as a support dog has worked wonders for Arnold’s mental health.

Speaking to Unilad Manalis said, “The bond these two dogs have is just insanely beautiful. They are so connected and loving and supportive of one another. 

“If one ever cries, the other one is there in half a second to check they are OK. Their love is unconditional, regardless of their size or breed.”

Road to recovery

Thanks to Dachshund Frank, Arnold is now well on the way to recovering from his nasty ordeal. The difference is astounding and may pave the way for others who own dogs in need of help.

Is your dog stressed? Here’s how to help a dog with stress

Watch also: Watch: Dachsie puppies get emotional when they realise they’re to be separated 

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