
three mutts standing outside a house

Watch: Clever dogs learn to ring the doorbell so they can get inside the house

By Justine Seraphin Country Manager

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Thanks to their Ring doorbell, this family can see exactly who is – or was – ringing at their doorbell at any given time. But one day, they got guests they weren’t expecting.

And their names were Lola, Leo, and Chewy…the family dogs!

Now these are the kind of guests we wouldn't mind hosting every single day!

Quick learners

How exactly these pups learned to ring the doorbell remains a mystery. Did their owners teach them to do so as they would teach them to do any other trick? Or did the dogs learn to do it themselves after watching other guests performing the task?

Whatever the case, the dogs know exactly what they’re doing.

Open up, human!

After having had a fun and relaxing time outside, it’s time to cosy on up inside. So, the biggest of the dogs approaches the doorbell and hits it with her nose. As soon as she and her siblings hear the unmistakable doorbell ringtone, their ears perk up and they walk up to the door, waiting patiently for their humans to open up.

We hope their owners were quick to let them in, these smart pooches deserve lots of cuddles and treats after asking to come in so politely!

Want dogs as good as these guys? Read all our tips on teaching a dog to behave at home!
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